Never would I have imagined that would be explaining to my young kids why God created Adam and Eve....not Adam and Steve. I feel like I've robbed them of some of their innocence. We've had the sign in our yard for several weeks now and had the basic conversation, but last night for family night we got into it a little deeper. On one hand it angers me beyond words that my kids at their tender ages have been exposed to such a prevalent issue in today's world. On the other hand it brings me so much joy to be able to share my testimony with my kids on why marriage has been ordained to be between one man and one women since the beginning of time. I'm so thankful for the knowledge that we as members of Heavenly Fathers church about His great plan. Sometimes "unpopular" issues are hard to talk about with kids and are avoided at all costs. I knew that today at school our kids were going to be talking about the election and different issues that are being voted on. We wanted to "arm" our kids with as much knowledge as possible. We had a great conversation that led into many other issues that are being discussed this election. I'm so glad that we have scriptures and a living Prophet that have armed us with the knowledge that we needed to teach our kids.
While I feel so bad that kids these days can't be the innocence kids of yesterday, knowledge is power. I hope that in the long run, my kids will always remember to stand up and be counted and not be afraid to voice their opinion. Because there is nothing worse than people who complain about issues that they had the power to change, and instead choose not to.
A Brand New Entrepreneur
7 hours ago
I agree 100% Mendy! It's a good thing it passed!
That prop was stressing me out. I actually didn't think of discussing it with Natalie but I did talk with Kassidy about is because we are trying to learn a little about government and how elections work... it's just sad that it's an issue at all. It is a hard topic to want to discuss with such sweet innocence. So glad it passed but my gut says this will be back to haunt us forever! ok now I'm just being pessimistic... or realistic... not sure which maybe both?
you said it well. certainly sad but knowledge IS power. I'm so grateful, like you, for the gospel to help educate and teach our children truth.
I'm so grateful to have read your experience with sharing with your kids the reality. I know motherhood isn't in the forefront for me right now, but my roommates and I have already sat around and talked about our fears of having children and bringing them into a situation that they will hopefully fight fearlessly. I was so impressed and appreciate your strength, not to mention your great insight about 'hats'. I'm learning all the tools from you :)
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