Sunday, September 7, 2008

Look who I met

For any of you that watched last years Biggest Loser you know this is Betty pink! Her daughter Ali is the one who won it all. Betty Sue was nice enough to come speak to all the YW in our ward. She was awesome! She had us laughing and crying all at the same time. You know she's a great speaker when you have a group of 50 young girls and they are completely intrigued by every word she said. If any of you are looking for a great activity that will inspire and fully entertain all who are in attendance, you've got to call her. She wants to go on tour to talk to all the women and young women in the church. I have her contact info if your interested. I'm not sure who enjoyed it more, the girls or the leaders!
Since several of my friends have requested the info on Betty-Sue, I'll post it here.
You can email her at She lives in Mesa and is in the Las Sendas Stake. She is a hoot to talk to. Also check out her website If you have any questions about what we had her talk about let me know. Tell her I sent you!!


Stephanie said...

I would love her contact information. I'm not serving in YW's right now but I could pass the information on to others who are. It sounds like it was awesome! Just put the contact info on my blog. Thanks!

Caryn said...

The leaders. Or at least this leader.

danandcami said...

Awesome! Where is she from? I did not know she was a member.

russandkatie said...

I am the biggest fan of biggest loser!!! Russ is in Young Mens e-mail me her contact info please please please.

Anonymous said...

what is your calling in YW Mendy??? So what did she talk about...i'm assuming health etc.???

Andrea said...

So nice of you to share this information. I'll be making a phone call!

Diana said...

Hi! I am a friend of Katie's. She told me about this and sent me the contact info. I am the Enrichment leader for our ward. I was wondering what she talks about. I was thinking of getting her for an Enrichment meeting and inviting the young women to join us. Does she charge anything? You said in your other post that it was $10 including a meal, but does she get part of that?

Thanks for your time and sharing!