Monday, December 21, 2009

A Smith Family Tradition

I love the holidays. I especially love Christmas time.
Every year we start out the Christmas season by
drawing family names on Thanksgiving day.
Megan usually makes up some fancy box and
writes all of our names down so that we
can draw each others names for a month
of service followed by the Christmas Eve gift exchange.
The kids love it. They try so hard to serve their particular person.

Another tradition that I love is doing secret service for another family. I love that the kids really get into it. They love to find the perfect gift for whichever family we've chosen. They wrap their hearts out and then drop off the gifts on some unsuspecting family doorstep. Some years we are better at getting this tradition done than other years, but its a tradition nonetheless.

But there is one tradition that each and every year we never miss... the flu.
The flu is a Christmas curse around here. It typically hits 2 days before school lets out for winter break. Each and every year one of our kids miss their holiday celebration that they look forward to every year. This year Emily was the unlucky girl. She wanted to be at her party more than anyone. As luck will have it, she missed the big party. In years past we usually are pushing our luck to have everyone healthy on Christmas day. We'll luck might be one our side this year! As of today everyone in the family has had their stint with the flu this last week. A whole 4 days before Christmas! This must be our lucky year! Although it didn't feel very lucky as I was taking my turn getting to know every crack and crevasse of the bathroom. So for another year, another tradition down. With any lucky this tradition will fade away in time....
Here's hoping this tradition doesn't catch on in your family!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

If you didn't get a card this year..

your not the only one!
Maybe next year will be a card kind of year!

Merry Christmas to all!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

All I want for Christmas

is my two front teeth!
age 6

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Oozing with pride

to be his mom.

Shayne spoke in church today.

His first talk ever.

I think I was more nervous than he was.

He stood and spoke about honoring his priesthood.

A talk he wrote by himself.

He did amazing.

He was confident and poised.

I had a huge smile and my heart filled to the brim with pride.

And giant mascara tears rolling down my checks.

I'm thankful he's mine.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Oh-Nine

I can hardly believe that Halloween is over already! It seems like for weeks we think and rethink costumes.This year we rediscovered the beauty of Halloween on a budget 101.

I love when the kids become creative and want to make or makeup a costume rather than just supporting our local party city.

This was their school costumes for the parade/party day. I don't let them take their full "real" costumes. Is that mean? I just hate it when then get ruined before that actual holiday!

The girls had an idea to be witches this year but they wanted me to make them witches skirts. We had a great time picking out fabric and then making the skirts together. Megan and Emily are matching witches and Ashley is a vampire baker.

Shayne was a last minute rodeo clown. He pulling this and that from random closets and came up with a costume 10 mins before he left with his friends.

My friend Stacy showed up with her girls to trick or treat with us in full Madonna style. So, like Shayne I threw together a crazy witch costume and called it good. Next year I'm borrowing that Madonna gear so I'm better prepared!

Good bye Halloween Oh-Nine hello Christmas!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Five Minutes

I was invited to take part in a little photo shoot for a local magazine called Go Gilbert a few weeks back. The magazine was doing an article call "The Real Housewives of Gilbert" about small in home businesses.

A few months back my friend Allison (far left) and I started a little company called Lily Lou's, an official name for our holiday "boutique" baking season. We've had a great time creating and baking.... lots of baking. The aprons pictured above are ours as well.

So five minutes is better than no minutes I figure! So if your looking for me...chances are I'm in the kitchen apron on, baking away!

We'll have our mini bundts as well as our aprons at several local boutiques over the next few months. Check our our Lily Lou's blog to see where and then stop by and see me!

(By the way, this photo will be in the November issue of Go Gilbert if you want to save your copy for an autograph :)

Monday, September 21, 2009

And now for a shamless plug..

A few months ago I was wondering "what will I ever do to fill my time now that my kids are in school?" Well, it didn't take me long to fill my days.

A few things..

I started selling these adorable aprons.. mom and child aprons, matching pot holds and towels available too! These are only a few of the selection. To see the complete selection visit here. It's been a fun business venture that I get to do with my great friend.

(if you see one you that must have I'd be happy to help you)

And my main job, my kinda hush hush secret job that I thing everyone found out about... Cupcakes! I bake and decorate for a little store called Poppy's. I've been at this one for quite sometime but thought I'd add a little plug in for them as well!

But that's not all...

I'm also helping out with this great new art gallery owned by our great friends.

For all you locals, the gallery is formally known as Decor Unique. I've become their computer nerd which is kinda funny considering my computer background. (or lack of)

Everyone always told me that my days would fill fast and they weren't kidding! Its great to be busy and using my brain in a whole different way! So bottom line... I found plenty to do fill my days and sometimes nights!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

BYU choked..

but their fans were sure cute!

Megan, Ashley, Emily and cousin Halle

and just think.. we spent all morning making these shirts and the Cougs didn't show up to play!
At least we got the cute shirts!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


autumn: n- the season between summer and winter; fall
In Arizona autumn is defined by a few things; more than 3 days under 100*, a "cool" scent in the air in the mornings, the smell of cows drifting in the air and... football!
Yesterday was Shayne's first game of the official season. He's playing 1st string QB. He loves football. He eats up everything and anything football.

This is the first time that Shayne has had to play against his friends. He's been on the same team with all the same guys for years. Now they are against each other. Todd didn't quite know what to do with himself not being the coach. He paced up and down that field the whole game! Ok, lets be honest, he was still coaching from the sideline and Shayne's coach and Todd are now on first name basis...already, but in a good way!
This time his team came ahead on top. 21-13 final

and no game would be complete without Shayne's official cheering section

hot and sweaty..

and a little grumpy..

but lovin every minute of it..

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Ask and ye shall recieve

Mr Monsoon,

Thank you! You sure made our family night an exciting night! We loved the light show and really enjoyed the rain. I'm sorry if I was a little pushy the other day trying to get you to come and all, but you didn't need to send a micro-burst to knock down our little tree!
Nevertheless, we still enjoyed your presence. Please come back often, but leave my other trees alone!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dear Monsoon,

Why, why, why have you avoided us this year? Why have you not come to give us the excitement that we enjoy every summer? I am SO tired of all this freakin HEAT! I need some rain! I even have a small confession to make.. I am living in my swimsuit so much that I have worn holes in the rear end of every suit I own! My laundry has even quadrupled because of multiply showers each day and if I have to do another load of pool towels I'm going to scream! I need some excitement in my life that only you can provide. The only thing that makes living in the heat hole worth it is the awesome light show that you provide!

So please, please, please come to visit soon. I miss you dearly.



Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Relief Society Therapy

I recently was released from young women's after serving for 2 1/2 years with great friends and fabulous young women. Before then, I was in primary for a few years. I haven't been to RS for probably 5 years or more. Sunday toward the end of sunday school my felt my palms going a bit sweaty. As I made my way down the hall I could feel all the pressure building. I was feeling like an outsider. Was I going to be required to use a blanket in order to fit in? I didn't want a blanket! Women tend to sit in the same place by the same women. Would I be cramping someones style by taking their chair? I made eye contact with a neighbor and off I went to the chair. Thankfully they let me sit by them! Thanks ladies! One of my greatest friends was teaching the lesson that day so I was so excited to hear her teach. We had chatted about the topic and I had even read the talk she was teaching from. Then boom... pressure again. Do I comment on the lesson? and if I do, I'd better think though my comment really well because there are some stellar women in there that really know their stuff! I couldn't do it. Since when do I have trouble speaking? I'm usually the one that has something to say about everything! I really wanted to come through for my friend, she kept looking at me, but I had nothin! She did awesome even if I didn't come through for her! Why did I over think going to RS? It really wasn't that big of a deal! I saw plenty of smiling faces and got to chat with old friends. I didn't even have to use a blanket! So.. with one Sunday under my belt I'm thinking that next Sunday I won't feel so much like a sore thumb. I'll probably sit on the same side, in the same chair, next to the same friend... without the blanket!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Chapter 3

Today we began a new chapter in our lives.

The home alone chapter.. the all the kids in school chapter.

This morning I sent Shayne off to be fed to the wolves of Jr High.

Most of last night I layed awake raking my brain asking have we taught him enough? Have we gave him the confidence to make the right choices and to resist the temptation that will surround him? I think we have. He's a pretty easy going kid that tends to make good choices but I found myself second guessing myself. This morning I walked him to the corner where he continued on to the bus stop the next block up. He said "see ya mom love you" I stood in shock walking him walk away. Then the tears started to flow. Where did all those years go? He walked away from me to be greeted by many friends where they stood and waited. I couldn't make myself walk away until he was loaded onto the bus. Off on his next adventure in life... Jr High.

Megan was all smiles with a little bit of fear this morning as we walked to the 5th grade line.
She was welcomed by a friend and all her fear melted away.
She was ready. My beautiful 5th grade little girl!

Ashley was the first one up this morning with a big grin on her face!
3rd grade was going to be no big deal for her!
She was so excited to get going. I hope that lasts all year but I'm not going to hold my breath!
She left full of confidence ready to conquer the grade!

Emily was so excited she didn't fall asleep until almost midnight!
She was up ready to go a 6 am with a big smile on her face.
I on the other hand, was struck with the realization that my baby.. is no longer a baby!
She got to her line having a bit of nervous energy. She walked away with a huge smile and a wave. Why'd she have to go get all grown up on me?

So alone I am.
Time to figure out what I'm going to do with myself!
For the last 12 years I've done pretty much nothing but kids.. now....
So today I guess this is the first day of the new chapter in my life.
The ME chapter.

(now if I only knew what to write in this chapter!)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

I must be doing something right

Toward the end of our Utah trip this last month I got a horrible ear infection. Have you ever had an ear infection as an adult? Oh my gosh... all I can say is the next time my kids tell me their ears hurt I'm not waiting to take them to the doc! I was in a ton of pain and of coarse my lack of good medical insurance made it impossible to go get the needed medical attention in Utah! And of coarse my husband wasn't along on this trip to give me a needed blessing! Luckily my mom was around to help me with the kids because the last two days of the trip are a bit of a blur.

About the same time as I got sick my vehicle started acting a bit strange as well. It pretty much made me feel like Daisy Duke driving the General Lee if you know what I mean. My steering wheel was movin all over the place and the car was pulling hard to the left. Tire problems right? Todd told me what to look for and we (my mom and I) did are tire inspection before heading home. I thought maybe it was just those worn out Utah roads so we headed for home anyway. I think my pain was mostly driving this decision. Since my mom isn't a big fan of driving my Denali I drugged myself up and off we headed for a good long drive home. About the Gap, just outside of Page AZ we came across a roll over accident of a gas semi that had just accrued. The tires were still spinning and the poor man was thankfully stumbling out bleeding but alive. It took me back to 2 years ago. We had a similar accident of our own in WA where we took a flip and a roll down a hill. Again, blood but all were alive.

Well as we returned home after further tire inspection we found a 3 inch bulge in the inside our our drivers side tire that should have split our tire causing a similar scene. I'm pretty sure the only way we made it home from Utah without incident was the will of the Lord.

I'm thankful beyond words for tender mercy's.

FYI- my ear infection has been with me for over a week and I have zero and I mean zero hearing in my right ear. So looking back I should have taken my crappy health insurance a sought medical attention a little earlier.... Learn from my mistakes!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

An opportunity to good to pass up

Shayne was invited to tag along with some friends for a month long parade tour this summer. We weren't sure if we'd be able to survive without him for a whole month! It was a chance of a lifetime that he was so excited to go on and we knew he have experiences like no other time so off he went. I dropped him off at 3 am and he along with the H family and 8 beautiful shires were on the road. The first stop was in Provo, UT for the 4th of July parade.

After spending a week in Utah they started heading cross country to Wisconsin to participate in the Circus parade in downtown Milwaukee. They pulled a newly restored circus cart that was huge and beautiful. The hat that Shayne is wearing above was part of the circus uniform.

The whole H family plus Shayne in full uniform

After this parade he spent time all over the mid west. He slept under the stars and rode and cleaned horses and who knows what else. He has so many great stories to tell. He spent all of July riding and living a dream life. He worked harder than he's ever worked and did things that he never thought he'd do but he LOVED every minute of it.

They headed back to Utah for the big pioneer parade in SLC on the 24th so we decided to go and watch him firsthand.

My mom, the girls and I scored great seats for the parade. I made a great deal with the people camping out next to us... I told them I'd bring them a dozen donuts in the morning if they watched our chairs overnight. It worked like a charm. Perfect seats. Now if only the weather was perfect! It was a bit warm, to say the least, but we loved being so close to the parade action!

Shayne doing his thing. Isn't he so cute?? (don't tell him I said that!)
Their horses where the most beautiful by far. They are huge!
And the little cowboy.. well... too cute!
Did I mention that he grew an inch while he was gone?
He's now taller than his mom! He must have been fed well to grow that much! This trip we stayed at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi. I loved that little place. We'd been there once before but staying there we got to explore so much more of it. Its a fun place to hang out.. or to be locked up in this case! And what would a trip to Utah be without all of our favorite stops as well? We got our fill of Training Table, Temple square, Provo Canyon and of coarse BYU.
We had a great time and were so happy to see Shayne!

He's already gearing up for next summer!

Monday, July 13, 2009

One year older and wiser too

Happy Birthday to YOU!!

Ten years ago I thought for sure that I was having another boy. Todd and I liked the surprise of not knowing what we where having, call us old fashion if you will. I mean I have no sisters, Todd has only one sister and both of our mothers are the only girls of their families.. so surly we'd also have a house full of boys. Well after several hours of labor and while my husband and the Doc where watching the baseball all star game (yeah... really) the doctor put this little 8 lbs 6 oz little girl on my stomach. I froze. I didn't see this one coming! I didn't know anything about little girls!! The sweet nurse grabbed my hand and said "touch your daughter" I said "what? my what?" Well little did I know how much joy this little girl would bring into our family!

She's a ball full of energy.. until about 9pm then the first one asleep.
She loves to go anywhere with me.
She loves to cook.
She is my little helper with everything.
She has her mother's quick wit...
for example..
the other day Meg, Ash and I were going somewhere and I said to Megan jokingly....
"your funny..... funny lookin that is" to which she reply without a second to think... "well I am your daughter and do look just like you" I love it!!

Ten more things we love about Megan

She is a very talent artist

She is a closet singer and a good one too

She scares very easily..much to her brothers delight!

She is a great story teller

She has a heart of gold

She is a peacemaker in our home

She is always willing to help

She loves all things girly

She is kind even when others aren't

Her smile melt our hearts

Happy Birthday Megan! We love you!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Cowgirl envy

This weekend we celebrated the 4th in Prescott at the rodeo.
I think I was suppose to be born a cowgirl
cuz I love rodeo's!
I love everything about them. Once upon a time I tried be a cowgirl. I went to all the country dances. I could line dance with the best of them. I owned my own wranglers and boots. I love country music. I drove a truck for heavens sake! Something just went terrible wrong and it just didn't stick. Maybe it was that one dance when my friend was twirling me around and flipping me over his head and then dropped me! Well, no I still went back. Even in my wedding announcement's I was wearing wranglers, boots and a vest!

Well, this weekend I just couldn't get enough of all those cowboys and cowgirls! I love the attitude that comes along with cowgirl. I love how they walk tall in their boots and tight jeans with such attitude. I think I could pull it off! The attittude that is.. maybe not the tight jeans.
Okay, lets be honest.

Some women just don't look good in tight wranglers and sparkly tops or daisy dukes and boots! We saw plenty of those types but other than that... I was having some major cowgirl envy!

I'm hoping my girls soak up some cowgirl style because I think my son is on his way to full blown cowboy!

The girls with the Teen rodeo princess

If I would have know that we were going to meet royalty I would have bought the girls those pink cowgirls hats! Darn it!!

Future cowgirls ..
Wanna be and EmilyStill wanna be but with Ashley Me and Megan
(the man of the house aka Todd has requested to not be talked about or photographed for my shameless blog so that will explain all the "me" pictures)

Creativity at its BEST

From box to barbie house in 24 hours

The girls designed this house complete with a roof top swimming pool

and a choice of stairs or a slide! I want the girls to design our next house!

I love when creativity conquers boredom.

At the top of the stairs..

sits an empty room.

Shayne is off on an adventure of a lifetime. The month of July he is traveling with his friend, friend's dad, a big huge horse trailer, 8 shires, 1 bag of clothes, 1 pair of boots, 1 cowboy hat and a giant smile.

My lucky boy was in the Provo 4th of July parade and is now headed across the USA to Milwaukee for another parade then back to Utah for the parade in SLC on the 24th.

Thank goodness for cell phones and unlimited texting!

Home just isn't the same without him!