Monday, December 21, 2009
A Smith Family Tradition
Posted by Mendy at 5:15 PM 2 comments
Monday, December 14, 2009
If you didn't get a card this year..
Merry Christmas to all!!
Posted by Mendy at 10:42 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Oozing with pride
Shayne spoke in church today.
Posted by Mendy at 4:48 PM 5 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Halloween Oh-Nine

This was their school costumes for the parade/party day. I don't let them take their full "real" costumes. Is that mean? I just hate it when then get ruined before that actual holiday!

The girls had an idea to be witches this year but they wanted me to make them witches skirts. We had a great time picking out fabric and then making the skirts together. Megan and Emily are matching witches and Ashley is a vampire baker.
Shayne was a last minute rodeo clown. He pulling this and that from random closets and came up with a costume 10 mins before he left with his friends.

Good bye Halloween Oh-Nine hello Christmas!
Posted by Mendy at 5:19 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
My Five Minutes

So five minutes is better than no minutes I figure! So if your looking for me...chances are I'm in the kitchen apron on, baking away!
We'll have our mini bundts as well as our aprons at several local boutiques over the next few months. Check our our Lily Lou's blog to see where and then stop by and see me!
(By the way, this photo will be in the November issue of Go Gilbert if you want to save your copy for an autograph :)
Posted by Mendy at 7:41 PM 10 comments
Monday, September 21, 2009
And now for a shamless plug..
A few things..
I started selling these adorable aprons.. mom and child aprons, matching pot holds and towels available too! These are only a few of the selection. To see the complete selection visit here. It's been a fun business venture that I get to do with my great friend.
(if you see one you that must have I'd be happy to help you)

And my main job, my kinda hush hush secret job that I thing everyone found out about... Cupcakes! I bake and decorate for a little store called Poppy's. I've been at this one for quite sometime but thought I'd add a little plug in for them as well!

But that's not all...

Posted by Mendy at 4:15 PM 16 comments
Saturday, September 19, 2009
BYU choked..
Posted by Mendy at 9:31 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

This is the first time that Shayne has had to play against his friends. He's been on the same team with all the same guys for years. Now they are against each other. Todd didn't quite know what to do with himself not being the coach. He paced up and down that field the whole game! Ok, lets be honest, he was still coaching from the sideline and Shayne's coach and Todd are now on first name basis...already, but in a good way!
This time his team came ahead on top. 21-13 final
and no game would be complete without Shayne's official cheering section
and a little grumpy..
Posted by Mendy at 5:22 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Ask and ye shall recieve
Thank you! You sure made our family night an exciting night! We loved the light show and really enjoyed the rain. I'm sorry if I was a little pushy the other day trying to get you to come and all, but you didn't need to send a micro-burst to knock down our little tree!

Posted by Mendy at 7:53 AM 3 comments
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Dear Monsoon,
Why, why, why have you avoided us this year? Why have you not come to give us the excitement that we enjoy every summer? I am SO tired of all this freakin HEAT! I need some rain! I even have a small confession to make.. I am living in my swimsuit so much that I have worn holes in the rear end of every suit I own! My laundry has even quadrupled because of multiply showers each day and if I have to do another load of pool towels I'm going to scream! I need some excitement in my life that only you can provide. The only thing that makes living in the heat hole worth it is the awesome light show that you provide!
So please, please, please come to visit soon. I miss you dearly.
Posted by Mendy at 11:29 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Relief Society Therapy
I recently was released from young women's after serving for 2 1/2 years with great friends and fabulous young women. Before then, I was in primary for a few years. I haven't been to RS for probably 5 years or more. Sunday toward the end of sunday school my felt my palms going a bit sweaty. As I made my way down the hall I could feel all the pressure building. I was feeling like an outsider. Was I going to be required to use a blanket in order to fit in? I didn't want a blanket! Women tend to sit in the same place by the same women. Would I be cramping someones style by taking their chair? I made eye contact with a neighbor and off I went to the chair. Thankfully they let me sit by them! Thanks ladies! One of my greatest friends was teaching the lesson that day so I was so excited to hear her teach. We had chatted about the topic and I had even read the talk she was teaching from. Then boom... pressure again. Do I comment on the lesson? and if I do, I'd better think though my comment really well because there are some stellar women in there that really know their stuff! I couldn't do it. Since when do I have trouble speaking? I'm usually the one that has something to say about everything! I really wanted to come through for my friend, she kept looking at me, but I had nothin! She did awesome even if I didn't come through for her! Why did I over think going to RS? It really wasn't that big of a deal! I saw plenty of smiling faces and got to chat with old friends. I didn't even have to use a blanket! So.. with one Sunday under my belt I'm thinking that next Sunday I won't feel so much like a sore thumb. I'll probably sit on the same side, in the same chair, next to the same friend... without the blanket!
Posted by Mendy at 8:59 AM 7 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
Chapter 3

Ashley was the first one up this morning with a big grin on her face!
3rd grade was going to be no big deal for her!

(now if I only knew what to write in this chapter!)
Posted by Mendy at 10:27 AM 9 comments
Saturday, August 1, 2009
I must be doing something right
I'm thankful beyond words for tender mercy's.
FYI- my ear infection has been with me for over a week and I have zero and I mean zero hearing in my right ear. So looking back I should have taken my crappy health insurance a sought medical attention a little earlier.... Learn from my mistakes!
Posted by Mendy at 1:39 AM 5 comments
Thursday, July 30, 2009
An opportunity to good to pass up

The whole H family plus Shayne in full uniform

After this parade he spent time all over the mid west. He slept under the stars and rode and cleaned horses and who knows what else. He has so many great stories to tell. He spent all of July riding and living a dream life. He worked harder than he's ever worked and did things that he never thought he'd do but he LOVED every minute of it.
They headed back to Utah for the big pioneer parade in SLC on the 24th so we decided to go and watch him firsthand.

He's already gearing up for next summer!
Posted by Mendy at 7:29 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 13, 2009
One year older and wiser too
She is a very talent artist
She is a closet singer and a good one too
She scares very easily..much to her brothers delight!
She is a great story teller
She has a heart of gold
She is a peacemaker in our home
She is always willing to help
She loves all things girly
She is kind even when others aren't
Her smile melt our hearts

Posted by Mendy at 6:00 AM 4 comments
Monday, July 6, 2009
Cowgirl envy
Well, this weekend I just couldn't get enough of all those cowboys and cowgirls! I love the attitude that comes along with cowgirl. I love how they walk tall in their boots and tight jeans with such attitude. I think I could pull it off! The attittude that is.. maybe not the tight jeans.

The girls with the Teen rodeo princess
If I would have know that we were going to meet royalty I would have bought the girls those pink cowgirls hats! Darn it!!
Future cowgirls ..
Wanna be and Emily
Still wanna be but with Ashley
Me and Megan
(the man of the house aka Todd has requested to not be talked about or photographed for my shameless blog so that will explain all the "me" pictures)
Posted by Mendy at 3:36 PM 2 comments
Creativity at its BEST

The girls designed this house complete with a roof top swimming pool

Posted by Mendy at 1:52 PM 0 comments
At the top of the stairs..
Shayne is off on an adventure of a lifetime. The month of July he is traveling with his friend, friend's dad, a big huge horse trailer, 8 shires, 1 bag of clothes, 1 pair of boots, 1 cowboy hat and a giant smile.
My lucky boy was in the Provo 4th of July parade and is now headed across the USA to Milwaukee for another parade then back to Utah for the parade in SLC on the 24th.
Thank goodness for cell phones and unlimited texting!
Home just isn't the same without him!
Posted by Mendy at 1:42 PM 0 comments